Friday 16 August 2013

Garlic Bad Luck Banishment Spell

Have you ever been "stuck in a rut" where it seems the universe is working hard to make things tough for you? Where, everywhere you turn you are greeting with a strong dose of bad luck and disappointment, and nothing seems to go right? What makes the spells bring results so quickly? Because I show you, step by step how to focus on the ONLY 3 things that fuel real Magick. Most people have no idea what they are, which is why their spells fizzle. Know how to inject each of these 3 things into every spell you cast is the secret key for casting spells that actually work. Rose's Garlic Bad Luck Banishment Spell You will need the following items for this spell: * 3 small jars (like empty baby food jars or honey jars) * 9 cloves of garlic * 9 pins (you can also use rose bush thorns...) Cast this spell during a waning moon, which happens to be right now... STEP 1: Cast your Magick circle and setup a basic altar. STEP 2: Spend 3 minutes kneeling at your altar thinking (in great detail) exactly what your biggest source of negativity or bad luck is in your life right now. Hold this image in your mind as you do the next step... STEP 3: Piece each garlic clove with a pin or thorn. Each time you do this say "Misfortune begone from me." STEP 4: Carefully place 3 cloves (with pins/thorns embedded) into each jar and put the lids on. STEP 5: Open your circle and bury the jars at least 1 mile from your home. STEP 6: As you walk away after burying them, do NOT look back. This spell works wonders, and actually fills the garlic with the negative energy that is making things hard for you... And buries it for good, far away from you. The key here is knowing exactly what your bad luck/misfortune "is". (i.e. what things are happening to you), and really hold this image in your mind in step 2. It's the key to everything. And another key? Use your mind, heart, and spirit to stay positive through the rocky path life lays out for us all once in awhile. Life is not always easy (nor should it be). Just remember, tough times makes the good times that much sweeter.

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