Friday 16 August 2013

7 Lights Of Perfection Spell

Do you want to know the real secret for casting successful Magick spells almost every time? A secret for living a happy, successful, prosperous life... the way you want to? It's something I preach to my kids daily, and all of my close friends and family. If you have it, there's NOTHING you can't accomplish, in Magick...or in life. It's something almost everyone KNOWS is important...but the vast majority of people simply do not have it. It's called: CONFIDENCE. Stick with me here... the power of TRUE confidence is very real, and it can change your life. That's why I've written a very special spell for you that will create true confidence inside you. You'll "feel" the power immediately... and it'll stay with you for as long as you live. Then, once the flame of confidence is burning bright inside of you,you'll be amazed by how quickly your spells bring results. Just imagine... once you've got confidence, you won't be stuck "hoping" that your spells will bring results. You'll know it. You'll believe it. And belief (which comes right from confidence) is the most important Magick Key! Rose's 7 Lights Of Perfection Spell What you'll need: * Seven short lengths of cord (or string), each about six inches long * Seven tea lights * Seven small squares of red paper or cloth STEP 1: Place a tea light on one red square. STEP 2: Surround the tea light by the cord, laying it on the red square. STEP 3: As you do this say: "This represents me and all I feel myself to be, I wish to be [choose your affirmation which should relate to confidence: confident, strong, comfortable, secure in myself, etc.]." STEP 4: Let the tea light burn out. STEP 5: Next morning knot both ends of the cord, saying as you do: "This cord carries my intent to be [the same affirmation you used the previous night]." STEP 6: Carry the cord with you and when you need to, remind yourself during the day of your intent. STEP 7: Repeat the procedure for seven nights, and mornings. Your affirmation should be different for each of the 7 chords/strings. STEP 8: At the end of the seven days either tie the cords together in one loop (end to end) or tie them so they form a tassel. STEP 9: Either way hang them by your mirror where you cannot fail to see them. STEP 10: Each morning for about six weeks choose which affirmation you wish to use that day, and make sure you have acted accordingly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now...once you cast this spell, each week that passes will grow your power...PERMANENTLY. Just be diligent, and follow the instructions. Everything will come easy for you...because of your confidence... and the fact that you'll KNOW each spell will bring results BEFORE you cast it. The results are amazing.

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